Today, I decide I will write my diary. My philosophy on life. My thoughts on things. My views on issues. My.. my dreams, my.. My life ? My world. My world which sometimes don't seem so real..

Monday, April 24, 2006

compare unique

We love to compare don't we?
Like as if all of us are in the same contest, or sitting for the same exam, and at the end of it all, we are comparing results checking to see who's better or who we've superceded..

If your boyfriend didn't do something your ex-boyfriend used to do for you, we may have a tendency to assume he's fallen below the mark. Or if the new boyfriend's done better than the rest, we feel like screaming to all of them, "Look! I've found the best amongst you guys!"
Why! I could almost visualise the rest of the guys panting at the end of the line, dejected looking, while I hold up my boyfriend's arm proudly announcing him as the winner!

I do this a lot. Compare. Perhaps it's the competitive nature in me. I compare myself with others, others to others, all the time.

Like, there are things that some would do but not others, or things J would do for me but not RR..and then I think, that one is more caring than the other, and perhaps more deserving of the coveted 'best friend' status.

Haha. says who?

1) They never registered for that so-called contest. NO ONE did.
2) They are not clamouring for any prize/ award
3) Who sets the standards/
who is to judge?

We are so prone to doing this I'm sure, but it has to stop.

Remember each is unique?


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